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critical mass theory

However, some researchers are now questioning whether this "resistance" might be better characterized as "ambivalence." This article extends the formal theory of collective action to define and specify the role of the critical mass. [4] He did use the term "critical density" with regard to pollution in his "On the Ecology of Micromotives". There are many factors that can hasten or slow the development of a critical mass, such as whether social leaders are quick or slow to adopt and whet… The theory of a “critical mass” seems to live a life of its own, in spite of reservations expressed by researchers, my own reservations included. I. Interdependence, Group Heterogeneity, and the Production of Collective ~ction' Pamela Oliver and Gerald Marwell University of Wisconsin-Madison Ruy Teixeira University of Notre Dame Collective action usually depends on a "critical mass" that behaves differently from typical group members. According to these theorists, a critical theory may be distinguished from a traditional theory according to a specific practical purpose: a theory is critical to the extent that it seeks human emancipation from slavery, acts as a libera… 2003. The term “critical mass” originates in nuclear physics, as the smallest amount of fissile material needed to sustain a nuclear chain reaction. Paul A. Taylor and Jan Ll. [23], Critical mass is fundamental for social media sites to maintain a significant userbase. UNDERSTANDING COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES • 12 Februari 2014 • 1 Komentar. Studies show critical mass can be reached more quickly when you have critical actors, or influential female leaders who can determine outcomes on their own. Revolutionary theory is a tool for transformation, but to make it mass-based, popular education is necessary. (2005) ‘Critical Mass Theory Revisited: The Behavior and Success of Token Women in State Legislatures’, Politics and Gender, 1 (1), 97 – 125. However, other research suggests lower numbers of women working together in legislature can also affect political change. Critical mass theory has it's roots in the idea that you want to develop a solid base of support to offset resistance to change. In December, leaked documents showed that a San Diego public school district was requiring teachers to attend “white privilege” trainings where they were expected to recognize their roles in perpetuating racism, a hallmark of critical race theory. An article written in the early 1970s bemoaned the lack of critical mass of scholars studying collective behavior (Quarantelili & Weller 1974). [8] Similarly, Granovetter cited the Nash Equilibrium game in his papers. [7] Everett Rogers later cites them both in his important work Diffusion of Innovations, in which critical mass plays an important role. Critical mass is a concept used in a variety of contexts, including physics, group dynamics, politics, public opinion, and technology. Critical mass, in nuclear physics, the minimum amount of a given fissile material necessary to achieve a self-sustaining fission chain reaction under stated conditions. This means that for each new stage in a company’s growth there is a different and increasing critical mass … Perhaps the most pernicious result, Gonzalez argued, is the dissemination of critical race theory in K-12 schools. Critical mass theory is delineated as a better approach for comprehending the conditions that encourage individuals to utilize their personal goods, thus engendering collective action; the approach’s central tenet that general principles of collective action do not exist is highlighted. The exact critical mass depends on the nuclear properties of a material, its density, its shape, and other factors. Critical theory, Marxist-inspired movement in social and political philosophy originally associated with the work of the Frankfurt School. Critical theory, Marxist-inspired movement in social and political philosophy originally associated with the work of the Frankfurt School.Drawing particularly on the thought of Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud, critical theorists maintain that a primary goal of philosophy is to understand and to help overcome the social structures through which people are dominated and oppressed. n. 1. The idea is that, in complex systems, moving beyond a threshold can suddenly unleash powerful, self-sustaining change. At the threshold critical mass, neutron production by fission within a volume just balances neutron loss through the volume’s surface, and the number density of neutrons is constant in time. I want to explore some mechanisms that have been tied to mass strategic adoption of technology, also known as critical mass network theory, within a global crypto and fiat economy to … Its size depends on several factors, including the kind of fissile material used, its concentration and purity, and the [16][17] Kathleen Bratton goes so far as to say that women, in legislatures where they make up less than 15% of the membership, may actually be encouraged to develop legislative agendas that are distinct from those of their male colleagues. critical mass synonyms, critical mass pronunciation, critical mass translation, English dictionary definition of critical mass. The concept was first established (although not explicitly named) in Schelling's essay about racial segregation in neighborhoods, published in 1971 in the Journal of Mathematical Sociology,[3] and later refined in his book, Micromotives and Macrobehavior, published in 1978. Sometimes the critical Learn more. Kathleen Bratton goes so far as to say that women, in legislatures where they m… However, with interactive media, the interdependence was reciprocal, meaning both users influenced each other. Humans are more likely to follow the masses and feel more comfortable taking a risk after the feedback when watching others try. Home › Critical Replies › Chain Reaction: Critical Theory Needs Critical Mass—Contradiction, Crisis and the Value-Form, Mike Neary. Logic of collective action and common good. The Frankfurt School's mass culture critical theory proves to be the most radical and severe one among the western mass culture critical theories. Another proposition suggests that a media's ease of use and inexpensiveness, as well as its utilization of an "active notification capability" will help it achieve universal access. threshold critical mass, neutron production by fission within a volume just balances neutron loss through the volume’s surface, and the number density of neutrons is constant in time. In social dynamics, critical mass is a sufficient number of adopters of a new idea, technology or innovation in a social system so that the rate of adoption becomes self-sustaining and creates further growth. Reaching a sustainable population is dependent on the collective use of the technology rather than the individual’s use. 367", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Critical_mass_(sociodynamics)&oldid=992850818, Pages using citations with accessdate and no URL, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 7 December 2020, at 12:59. The more people that use it, the more beneficial it will be, thus creating a type of snowball effect, and conversely, if users begin to stop using the innovation, the innovation loses utility, thus pushing more users to discontinue their use.[22]. The under-representation of women on boards is a heavily discussed topic—not only in Germany. The concept of critical mass was originally created by game theorist Thomas Schelling and sociologist Mark Granovetter to explain the actions and behaviors of a wide range of people and phenomenon. Bratton, K. A. Perceived critical mass grew amongst the student population, by the end of 2004 more than a million students had signed up, continuing to when Facebook opened the platform to high-school and university students worldwide in 2005, then eventually launching to the public in 2006. David, R., Aubert, B.A., Bernard, J-G., & Luczak-Roesch, M. (2020). Social movement activists and scholars often use “critical mass” in a loose metaphorical way to refer to an initial group of protesters or actors that is big enough to accomplish social change. Critical Mass Theory and Women's Political Representation @inproceedings{Childs2008CriticalMT, title={Critical Mass Theory and Women's Political Representation}, author={Sarah J Childs and Mona Lena Krook}, year={2008} } "Collective Action" is beneficial to all, regardless of individual contribution. Becoming self-sustained helps grow and maintain network size, whilst also enhancing the perceived critical mass of those yet to adopt. In business, it is used to denote a crucial stage in a company’s development where the business reaches a self-sustaining viability. In M. Lynne Markus' essay in Communication Research entitled "Toward a 'Critical Mass' Theory of Interactive Media",[22] several propositions are made that try to predict under what circumstances interactive media is most likely to achieve critical mass and reach universal access, a "common good" using Oliver, et al. Plainly stated, the Land of Critical Mass is a place in which individuals enjoy their own personal financial nirvana. And, as Badiou concludes from this: “the goal of critical theory is always to know, to have an understanding (to have a new form of understanding), of what is impossible to know”. The point at which critical mass is achieved is sometimes referred to as a threshold within the threshold model of statistical modeling. Critical and Traditional Theory (Horkheimer) Dialectic of the Enlightenment (Adorno and Horkheimer) Knowledge and Human Interests (Habermas) The Structural … Harris is an independent scholar. “Critical mass theory” in social movements refers loosely to any formal theory about how interdependent decisions accumulate into collective action or more narrowly to work in the tradition of Marwell and Oliver (1993). Pdf from Norges Handelshøyskole (NHH), the Norwegian School of Economics. Critical Theory has a narrow and a broad meaning in philosophy and in the history of the social sciences. On the other hand, the function can be accelerating, where the more resources that are used the bigger the payback. Evans, D. S., & Schmalensee, R. (2010). [19][20], While critical mass can be applied to many different aspects of sociodynamics, it becomes increasingly applicable to innovations in interactive media such as the telephone, fax, or email. Harris is an independent scholar. The "Production Function" is the correlation between resources, or what individuals give in an effort to achieve public good, and the achievement of that good. Learn more. Felix Weil’s father, Herman, made his fortune by exporting grain from Argentina to Europe. Harris THEN AND NOW CRITICAL THEORIES OF MASS MEDIA [5] Mark Granovetter, in his essay "Threshold models of collective behavior", published in the American Journal of Sociology in 1978[6] worked to solidify the theory. Recent technology research in platform ecosystems shows that apart from the quantitative notion of a “sufficient number” critical mass is also influenced by qualitative properties such as such as reputation, interests, commitments, capabilities, goals, consensuses, and decisions, all of which are crucial in determining whether reciprocal behavior can be started to achieve sustainability to a commitment such as an idea, new technology, or innovation.[1][2]. When women reached 20% … Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1971. Small business that aim to get bigger have to be able to reach the critical mass in order to get bigger. Sometimes the critical mass provides some level of the good for others who do nothing, while at other times the critical mass pays the start-up costs and induces widespread collective action. "The Market for Lemons: Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism", https://aisel.aisnet.org/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1055&context=amcis2020, https://www.sfu.ca/~bkrauth/papers/critmass.htm. The third proposition states that the heterogeneity, as discussed by Oliver, et al. Some come through studying social and political theory in the academy. Olson, Mancur. Mass media and the mass culture they promote have become a focus for critical theory. The Wiley‐Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements. But the critical mass has not before been treated as a serious theoretical concept. When companies reach critical mass, their leaders may face a decision whether to seek... Special Considerations. Another is social stigma, or the possibility of public advocacy due to such a factor. In debates about women's political representation, the importance of a certain number or percentage of women in political assemblies is often stressed. Use the link below to share a full-text version of this article with your friends and colleagues. Print. Earned income does not produce critical mass … critical mass is strictly a function of assets. & Marwell, G. (1988). “Bare” A Theory of the Critical Mass. Critical mass for an innovation is the point at which its diffusion becomes self-sustaining and does not need to be supported by change agents or similar forces anymore. Within social sciences, critical mass has its roots in sociology and is often used to explain the conditions under which reciprocal behavior is started within collective groups, and how it becomes self-sustaining. Jan Ll. I am eager to know how researchers of mass communication would apply critical theory to help answer these questions: why do people use social networking sites? If the term critical mass sounds like it came straight out of a science fiction novel, you’d be right. Critical Mass Theory and Women Directors' Contribution to Board Strategic Tasks Corporate Board: Role, Duties & Composition, Vol. In nuclear physics, the minimum amount of fissile material needed to create a self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction is known as critical mass. Critical theory often analyzes specific social institutions, probing the extent to which valued objectives are sought and achieved. "Heterogeneity" is also important to the achievement of a common good. Finally, Herbert A. Simon's essay, "Bandwagon and underdog effects and the possibility of election predictions", published in 1954 in Public Opinion Quarterly,[9] has been cited as a predecessor to the concept we now know as critical mass. If you do not receive an email within 10 minutes, your email address may not be registered, These examples only outline the simplest ideal cases: Finally, Markus posits that interventions, both monetarily and otherwise, by governments, businesses, or groups of individuals will help a media reach its critical mass and achieve universal access. Thus, the increase of adopters and quickness to reach critical mass can therefore be faster and more intense with interactive media, as can the rate at which previous users discontinue their use. Critical mass can refer to either the raw number of customers or the company’s market share. In some nuclear reactions, a reflector made of beryllium is used to speed up the process of rea… I f it seems like the structures that enable sexism are exploding, that’s because they scientifically are, according to the theory of critical mass. Web. DEFINING CRITICAL MASS. Critical mass, in nuclear physics, the minimum amount of a given fissile material necessary to achieve a self-sustaining fission chain reaction under stated conditions. addition to employing critical mass theory, we build on research on minority and majority influence on group decision-making as well as tokenism theories. Others come through the social struggle itself and the need to have the wisdom of past generations. 29 November 2011. The critical-mass theory, therefore, may actually validate racial stereotypes and perpetuate notions of racial inadequacy. A critical mass is the smallest amount of fissile material needed for a sustained nuclear chain reaction.The critical mass of a fissionable material depends upon its nuclear properties (specifically, its nuclear fission cross-section), density, shape, enrichment, purity, temperature, and surroundings.The concept is important in nuclear weapon design In 1923, Felix decided to use his father’s money to found an institute specifically devoted to the study of German society in the light of a Marxist approach. It had also been a present, if not solidified, idea in the study of consumer habits and economics, especially in General Equilibrium Theory. Critical Theories of Mass Media is a key text for students of cultural studies, communications and media studies, and sociology. 's terminology. Key Texts. Critical mass theory in gender politics and collective political action is defined as the critical number of personnel needed to affect policy and make a change not as the token but as an influential body. Critical Mass Bulletin was the name given to the 1970s newsletter for scholars of collective behavior and social movements. Americas Conference of Information Systems (AMCIS), Salt Lake City, UT. critical mass definition: 1. the smallest amount of matter that is needed to produce a nuclear chain reaction 2. the size…. With other non-interactive innovations, the dependence on other users was generally sequential, meaning that the early adopters influenced the later adopters to use the innovation. Much of this reasoning has to do with individual interests trumping that which is best for the collective whole, which may not be obvious at the time. New York: The Free Press of Glencoe, 1962. For a physicist, the "critical mass" is 1 This research was supported by the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation. Sometimes the critical mass provides some level of the good for others who do nothing, while at other times the critical mass pays the start-up costs and induces widespread collective action. Critical race theory (CRT) approaches issues such as justice, racism, and inequality, with a specific intent of reforming or reshaping society. Oliver, Marwell, and Teixeira tackle this subject in relation to critical theory in a 1985 article published in the American Journal of Sociology. “Failure to launch: Critical mass in platform businesses.” Review Akerlof, George A. Critical mass theory in gender politics and collective political action is defined as the critical number of personnel needed to affect policy and make a change not as the token but as an influential body. Exploring the impact of mobilization strategies on the size of demonstrations, https://doi.org/10.1002/9780470674871.wbespm059. This is due to the fact that interactive media have high network effect,[21] where in the value and utility of a good or service increases the more users it has. The Logic of Collective Action: Public Goods and the Theory of Groups. Collective action usually depends on a "critical mass" that behaves differently from typical group members. Harris THEN AND NOW CRITICAL THEORIES OF MASS MEDIA Critical Theory has a narrow and a broad meaning in philosophy and in the history of the social sciences. Paul A. Taylor and Jan Ll. The initial stages of Facebook had limited value to users due to the lack of network effects and critical mass. Paul A. Taylor is Senior Lecturer in Communications Theory, University of Leeds, UK. An example put forth by Rogers in Diffusion of Innovations was that of the fax machine, which had been around for almost 150 years before it became popular and widely used. A look at the power of critical actors and how having just one can lead to a proliferation of women in the rank and file. They do not want to stand out, initially by adopting and, after critical mass is achieved, by not adopting. Pelosi is one such critical player. and you may need to create a new Wiley Online Library account. In the lecture on critical media theory I present a classical text in critical theory, Adorno och “Critical Theory” in the narrow sense designates several generations of German philosophers and social theorists in the Western European Marxist tradition known as … In this article we argue that the concept of the critical mass deserves a central place in collective action theory. Collective action usually depends on a "critical mass" that behaves differently from typical group members. A sphere gives the smallest M c because a sphere mini-mizes the ratio of surface area to volume for a solid. Materials that can sustain a nuclear fission chain reaction is said to be fissile or fissionable.This reaction becomes self-sustaining when the number of neutrons produced by fission equals or exceeds the number of neutrons absorbed by splitting nuclei plus the number that escape into the surroundings. Derived from nuclear physics, critical mass is a term used to represent the smallest mass of material that can sustain a nuclear reaction at a constant level. American Sociological Review 53(1), 1-8. Critical theory, thus, is tantamount to creating a new possibility to think the Real by modifying the separation between what is possible and what is impossible. Critical researchers link mass media and mass culture to a … The Critical Mass Theory, as well as the theories behind, is assisting the explaining and understanding of humans as they interact in society. Critical theory as a general term means theories that are critical of capitalism and domination. Determining Critical Mass Materials that can sustain a nuclear fission chain reaction is said to be fissile or fissionable. Critical mass theory Drude Dahlerup first conceptualised critical mass in a feminist theory context in her 1988 article, From a Small to a Large Minority: Women in Scandinavian Politics. Such function can be decelerating, where there is less utility per unit of resource, and in such a case, resource can taper off. II. Chain Reaction: Critical Theory Needs Critical Mass—Contradiction, Crisis and the Value-Form, Mike Neary By SERRC on September 16, 2019 • ( 0). Based on critical mass theory and with the help of a hand-collected panel dataset of 151 listed German firms for the years 2000–2005, we explore whether the link between gender diversity and firm performance follows a U-shape. “Critical mass theory” in social movements refers loosely to any formal theory about how interdependent decisions accumulate into collective action or more narrowly to work in the tradition of Marwell and Oliver (1993). Critical mass and the theories behind it help us to understand aspects of humans as they act and interact in a larger social setting. Once the tipping point is reached, the actions of a minority group trigger a cascade of behavior change that rapidly increases the acceptance of a minority view ( 12 – 14 ). Print. The mass where criticality occurs may be changed by modifying certain attributes such as fuel, shape, temperature, density and the installation of a neutron-reflective substance. Critical mass theory is delineated as a better approach for comprehending the conditions that encourage individuals to utilize their personal goods, thus engendering collective action; the approach’s central tenet that general principles of collective action do not exist is highlighted. Women Directors Make a Difference We find that women do make a difference in the boardroom. The smallest mass of a fissionable material that will sustain a nuclear chain reaction at a constant level. "Technology acceptance model (TAM) and social media usage: an empirical study on Facebook", "DIFFUSION OF INNOVATIONS. The notion of critical theory has a general and a specific meaning (Maces 2001: 74f, Payne 1997: 118). Critical Theory in the narrow sense designates several generations of German philosophers and social theorists in the Western European Marxist tradition known as the Frankfurt School. Please check your email for instructions on resetting your password. In simpler terms, it’s the amount of reactant necessary for something to happen and to keep happening. Define critical mass. This theory argues that when a committed minority reaches a critical group size—commonly referred to as a “critical mass”—the social system crosses a tipping point. And, as Badiou concludes from this: “the goal of critical theory is always to know, to have an understanding (to have a new form of understanding), of what is impossible to know”. Facebook provides a good illustration of critical mass. of Network Economics, 9(4), 1-33. It was an established concept in medicine, specifically epidemiology, since the 1920s, as it helped to explain the spread of illnesses. Variations (heterogeneity) in the value individuals put on a common good or the effort and resources people give is beneficial, because if certain people stand to gain more, they are willing to give or pay more. is beneficial, especially if users are dispersed over a larger area, thus necessitating interactivity via media. The authors wish to thank Erik Olin Wright, Elizabeth Thomson, John Lemke, and the The Market for "lemons": Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism. Critical theory often analyzes specific social institutions, probing the extent to which valued objectives are sought and achieved. Number of times cited according to CrossRef: What makes a big demonstration? The term has been especially important in research and court cases about racial/ethnic or gender diversity in college admissions or employment (Addis 2007). Critical theory, thus, is tantamount to creating a new possibility to think the Real by modifying the separation between what is possible and what is impossible. Mass media and the mass culture they promote have become a focus for critical theory. [26] Facebook promoted the innovation to groups that are likely to adopt in mass. The adoption of the platform creates the effects of positive externalities whereby each additional user provides additional perceived benefits to previous and potential adopters. This number has been placed at 30%, before women are able to make a substantial difference in politics. addition to employing critical mass theory, we build on research on minority and majority influence on group decision-making as well as tokenism theories. "Notes for a History of the Critical Mass Model." We show that the critical mass plays very different roles in pro- ducing different kinds of collective action. New York: Norton, 1978. These attributes have complex interactions and interdependencies. Critical Mass in Inter-Organizational Platforms. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2003. Schelling, Thomas C. Micromotives and Macrobehavior. The theory of a “critical mass” seems to live a life of its own, in spite of reservations expressed by researchers, my own reservations included. It can also be driven by financial motives, such as greed in a rising house market. In debates about women's political representation, the importance of a certain number or percentage of women in political assemblies is often stressed. Critical Theories of Mass Media is a key text for students of cultural studies, communications and media studies, and sociology. The term critical mass is borrowed from nuclear physics and in that field, it refers to the amount of a substance needed to sustain a chain reaction. [13] This number has been placed at 30%, before women are able to make a substantial difference in politics. Sources: Oliver, P.E. Learn about our remote access options. The principle of the critical mass works with people because most people, particularly the early majority, act like a herd. Enter your email address below and we will send you your username, If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to retrieve your username, I have read and accept the Wiley Online Library Terms and Conditions of Use. When women reached 20% … [18] Others argue that we should look more closely at parliamentary and electoral systems instead of critical mass. J-G., & Luczak-Roesch, M. ( 2020 ) to adopt mass deserves a central place in individuals! Under-Representation of women on boards is a heavily discussed topic—not only in Germany, thus necessitating interactivity media! Mass deserves a central place in collective action: a definition: 1. smallest! Article written in the boardroom critical mass theory students of cultural studies, and other factors a society one! 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