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how did stalin take control of the soviet union

What was Stalin's role during the October Revolution and Russian Civil War? Historians have often argued that the Russian Civil War was won for the Bolsheviks by the revolutionary Leo Trotsky. He was handsome, charismatic, and a favorite of Lenin. In later cases, this did lead to famine when harvest was bad in 1932. The camps, like prisons throughout the world, were used to house criminals. Stalin's attack on his wife angered Lenin.[12]. Stalin was staggered by the German ambush. All rights reserved, What Methods Did Stalin Use to Control the Soviet Union?. The ruling council of the Bolshevik Party, the Politburo, ordered Lenin to avoid and concentrate on his recovery. Another method that was carried out was based around the arts and the sciences. Stalin placed himself in ideological opposition to Trotsky.[16]. He arranged the funeral and ignored Lenin’s final wishes. Stalin waited until others had proposed various schemes, including retaining the NEP, before deciding on the collectivisation of agriculture and, for industry, the Five Year Plans (FYP). Everyone who didn't agree with him was sent to a labor camp or was put to death The traditional stance was to see Stalin’s Soviet Union as true totalitarian regime, much more so than Hitler’s Germany or Mussolini’s Italy. Last years. [13] Allies of Stalin colluded to repress all mention of the document. 3. He created sovkhozes and kolkhozes which were collective farms and agricultural cooperatives. Stalin created a network of supporters in the Party. Stalin began advocating "Socialism in One Country," which says that the Bolsheviks should focus on building communism in the countries they already controlled rather than spreading the revolution. After the war, Stalin imposed on eastern Europe a new kind of colonial control based on native Communist regimes nominally independent but in fact subservient to himself. It was during this period Stalin consolidated his grip on power and was allowed to rule with impunity, instituting his “revolution from above” on the Soviet people. The sciences was particularly paid much attention to by Stalin for he felt improvements in technology and production in nuclear weapons would help industrialize Russia and grow as a nation. Lenin died of a suspected stroke on January 21st, 1924. 5) The regime must try to control all aspects of human relations, from trade unions and politics to social groups, education even to marriage and youth groups. He was also instrumental in conquering his native Georgia, which had declared itself to be independent. Fear from dekulakisation was commonplace as Stalin blamed Kulaks for everything that has gone wrong. 1. [17] There was a great deal of antisemitism in Russian, which made Trotsky unpopular. Stalin's Massive Military Purge Almost Doomed the Soviet Union . He was the absolute ruler of the Soviet Union and later of the Communist bloc in Eastern Europe. [7] This "Iron Curtain", as it came to be known, would take the hit before Russia did. By 1927, Stalin would emerge as the unquestioned leader of the Soviet, but first, he had to eliminate Trotsky from the competition. All those who had crossed Stalin in some way were to be murdered on his orders. How had the USSR gained control of Eastern Europe by 1948? Fear was also part of this method. The Soviet invasion of Poland was a military operation by the Soviet Union without a formal declaration of war.On 17 September 1939, the Soviet Union invaded Poland from the east, sixteen days after Germany invaded Poland from the west. Joseph Stalin maneuvered to take control of the Soviet Union after Vladimir Lenin’s death. He was appointed as a Political Commissar to several Generals and ensured that they were loyal to the Bolsheviks. However, the party was not fully under his control. Start studying History- What methods did Stalin use to control the Soviet Union?. The American historian and ex-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger wrote in his book Diplomacy that the real leader of the alliance of the United Nations in the Second World War was not Franklin Roosevelt, but Stalin. The presence of Soviet troops in Hungary was formalized by the 1949 mutual assistance treaty, which granted the Soviet Union rights to a continued military presence, assuring ultimate political control. Stalin was presented in posters and other images in later propaganda as being by Lenin’s side during the Revolution. Following on, this method did involve propaganda to encourage potential workers to join in the plan through a propaganda story of Stakhanov; a hard working employee. Stalin even berated Lenin's wife for breaching Politburo orders by helping Lenin communicate with others on public matters. Stalin allied with three others to force Trotsky out. After the death of Lenin in 1924, Stalin began his plan to ruthlessly control the Soviet Union and its people. By 1948, the Soviet Union had established communist regimes in all of the territories that they had “liberated” during World War Two. Increasingly, Stalin appointed his loyalists to the Politburo. Who was the first American diplomat to meet with Lenin? Stalin's first act after becoming leader was to expel his rivals, including Trotsky in 1929. However, Stalin employed a law passed by Lenin, ordering unity in the Party. The Bolsheviks skillfully adopted a policy of promising peace and land to the war-weary and starving population. Stalin asserted that Trotsky was trying to split the party, and this ploy managed to sideline Trotsky even further. A Soviet Agent later killed him with an ice pick. The camps, like prisons throughout the world, were used to house criminals. He was handsome, charismatic and a favorite of Lenin. Horror Even In Death. Unlike Lenin and Trotsky, he was not an intellectual and had the common touch, and he was well-liked by many.[11]. 2. The Soviet Union was annoyed at what seemed to it to be a long delay by the allies in opening a “second front” of the Allied offensive against Germany. A few of Stalin’s policies did in fact benefit the social, political and economic prosperity of the country, but overall, his leadership was detrimental to the Soviet Union and its people. Despite this, it was agreed at the Yalta conference, with the consent of Stalin, that all the countries liberated from Nazi Germany would have the right to be democratic and politically independent. Hi there, would you like to get such a paper? As the relationship between Lenin and Stalin deteriorated, Lenin dictated his Testament. Stalin industrialized the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, forcibly collectivized its agriculture, consolidated his position by intensive police terror, helped to defeat Germany in 1941–45, and extended Soviet controls to include a belt of eastern European states. [5], Stalin was captured and exiled to Siberia numerous times, but usually, he escaped. Stalin built public schools, and created after school activities for kids such as sports, cultural activities, and political classes. Early on the time Stalin had seized power over Russia, he had immediately brought out his version of the cult of personality. The late twenties and early thirties were perhaps the most transformative period in Soviet history. This time period hence was named ‘ the golden ages’ for Russia. Stalin now was in complete control.Before Stalin came to power Russia was in a terrible state, there was a huge problem of feeding the Russian people. Stalin used this post to control who was in - or out of the Party. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Stalin then ensured that 'his' people were loyal to him because they wanted to keep their jobs - he did this by collecting information about everyone in the Party. Stalin received the Testament from one of Lenin’s secretaries, who was his agent. One of the ways Stalin was able to do this was through the creation of Soviet satellite states. Stalin was also generally popular among the ordinary Party members, and this was crucial to his success. Posted by Russel Tarr on March 12, 2016 January 5, 2016 By 1948, the Soviet Union had established communist regimes in all of the territories that they had “liberated” during World War Two. Stalin was one of the bloodiest tyrants in world history. Many of Lenin’s former lieutenants realized that Stalin was making himself a de-facto dictator. Lenin and His Comrades: The Bolsheviks Take Over Russia 1917–1924, https://dailyhistory.org/index.php?title=How_Joseph_Stalin_became_the_leader_of_the_Soviet_Union&oldid=21716. [18] He opposed Stalin’s policy of the rapid industrialization of the Soviet Union and called for the gradual introduction of industrialization. On a larger scale Stalin had introduced two major methods that enabled him with complete control over the Soviet Union. When the war ended, the Soviet Union was the only Communist country in the world and Stalin believed that Western countries were bent on destroying it. The plans also called for a quick industrialization of the country. Retrieved October 15, 2020, from https://newyorkessays.com/essay-what-methods-did-stalin-use-to-control-the-soviet-union/, Save Time On Research and Writing. There are several methods Stalin had introduced to obtain control over the Soviet Union by directing individual policies and techniques into a particular group. He nationalized all the industries and collectivized all the lands and the livestock. But it was Stalin who employed them to their most hideous and at least semi-effective ends. Instead of studying theology and the Bible, he embraced Marxism and became a follower of Vladimir Lenin, the revolutionary Bolshevik Party leader. After Lenin's death, Stalin was given the honor of organizing the official funeral. Bukharin was something of a darling in the Party. In 1929, collectivization was introduced to increase agriculture over a 5-year plan. His real name was Josef Besarionis de Jughashvili. Soviet society was so atomized and the people so fearful of reprisals that mass arrests were no longer necessary. He led the opposition to Stalin in the Politburo. Stalin used this post to control who was in - or out of the Party. [9], However, Stalin made his reputation during the Russian Civil War. This robbery raised his standing among the Bolshevik leadership. How did Stalin take control of the soviet unions economic life? It was during industrialization that the Soviet Union became truly totalitarian. How about receiving a customized one? Albania conducted all its foreign trade with Soviet European countries in 1949, 1950, and 1951 and over half its trade with the Soviet Union itself. He led the opposition to Stalin in the Politburo. After decades of living with a fallacious belief that Stalin sheltered and cared … SUMMARY Propaganda, fear and terror, praise and glorification. Its causes were not so much economic or social as political and cultural. And, unlike other famines in history caused by blight or drought, this was caused when a dictator wanted both to replace Ukraine’s small farms with state-run collectives and punish independence-minded Ukrainians who pose… Many prominent Bolsheviks had always underestimated Stalin because he was not well educated. It was believed that Trotsky would take over as leader of the Soviet Union when Lenin died. The death of Joseph Stalin in 1953 ended a quarter-century of his dictatorial rule over the Soviet Union. The USSR’s resentment came to the surface at Yalta […] He had also targeted different groups from children to farmers in order to build power nation wide through propaganda and fear. However, he was criticized for not routing the Poles and exporting the revolution to that country and elsewhere in Europe.[10]. It was also referred as the 'cult of Stalin'. However, after the death of Lenin in January 1924, Stalin successfully outmuscled and outmaneuvered his opponents to take complete control of the Communist Party. The Soviet Union wanted to create a buffer zone to the west of Russia. Stalin repressed Lenin’s criticism of him. However, he managed to turn this to his advantage, and in his role as General Secretary, he built a power base in the country. In overall, Stalin had created and introduced numbers of methods, whether they were forced or ideas to catapult him to more control over the Soviet Union. Lenin was largely confined to a country retreat and cut off from politics. [1], Joseph Stalin, the future leader of the Soviet Union, often referred to as the ‘Red Tsar,' was born on 18 December 1878 to a Georgian cobbler in Gori, Georgia, and his wife in a small, impoverished village. Working conditions were very harsh as it consisted of little resources, poor hygiene, long working hours and heavy punishment if any of the workers were unable to complete tasks. However, when Lenin died in 1924, Stalin succeeded him and took the reigns of power. Even though this policy gave Stalin ultimate power over agriculture and the working class, millions had died and starved in result. How did Winston Churchill become Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in World War Two? Stalin, under the rules of the Party, was now the de-facto successor of Lenin. He then decided to organize public protests, along with others, against Stalin’s growing control of the Party. Stalin did this but also, at the same time, built up a body of supporters that were loyal to him in the Party. He was widely seen as an uneducated peasant. This plan consisted of 5 year plans that were basically targets to increase production in industry over the given time period. Even though some methods were unsuccessful they were very effective in favor of Stalin and his rule of power. Lenin founded the GULAG (an acronym for, in English, Main Administration of Collective Labor Camps), the network of prisons and forced labor camps throughout the Soviet Union. However, Trotsky did play a significant role in the Soviet's victory over the White's in the Civil War and was a significant figure in the Communist PARTY and rivaled Lenin in prestige. This is why he destroyed all forms of private enterprise or private property in the Soviet Union. The “cult of personality” is a term used when a country’s leader (such as the one in question) effectively uses propaganda, through which manipulating mass media to promote an absolute and supreme image of himself. This page was last edited on 8 December 2020, at 21:58. He had filled the administration of the Party with people who were loyal to him. Still, Stalin appears to have played only a minor role in the Revolution. Another factor, in the growing isolation of Leon Trotsky, despite his achievements during the Russian Civil War, was his Jewish heritage. Phasing out the market economy to replace it with a planned economy. His plan relied on government control of the economy and forced the collectivization of Soviet agriculture. At the end of the Second World War, the USSR – unchallenged by the UK or the US - assumed full control over Eastern Europe and managed to keep it for almost 50 years. These aspects were focused around industry and agriculture of Russia. What is the History of US Presidential Scandals? Nevertheless, the program did not prevent friction from developing between the Soviet Union and the other members of the anti-Hitler alliance. The GULAG's primary purpose, though, was to gain control of the population t… Admin, EricLambrecht and Juanita15 Murdered millions of people to show power. They had failed to end the war and to redistributed land to the Russian peasants. However, there were disputes against the idea of collectivization from the peasants as they felt rationing food will cause starvation for themselves. Are You on a Short Deadline? More importantly, they held antithetical ideas on the future of the worldwide Communist revolt. The industrialized Soviet Union played a key role in the victory over Nazi Germany during World War II and, as one of the two super-powers during the Cold War, reshaped the post-war world. However the conditions for peasant during this 5-year plan were astronomically bad. As a result, Stalin had much to be concerned about despite his growing influence. How did the Carter Administration react to the Soviet Union invasion of Afghanistan in 1978? How did Stalin become Lenin's potential heir? Germany’s unannounced act of war violated the nonaggression pact that Hitler and Stalin had signed less … Their message made them very popular, and in October 1917, they stormed the Winter Place and declared that the Russian Empire was now the Soviet Union. His had filled the administration of the Party with people who were loyal to him. He brought all economic activity under control. For the sake of stability, tsarism insisted on rigid autocracy that effectively shut out the population from participation in government. During his reign, Stalin launched a series of five-year plans. The death toll of the Great Famine (1932-1933) was not revealed by the Soviet Union in the 1937 census, as Joseph Stalin denied that there was any famine at all. In general, the traditional ideas date back to pre-1991 and the collapse of the Soviet Union, while the revised views have only just begun to emerge. He thus increased the number of his subjects by about a hundred million. Stalin got into position to compete for the top spot in the Soviet Union by being a good organizer. Behind the Iron Curtain, freedoms were rare, and the minds of the populace were kept tightly in check. A Flair for the Dramatic/Selfish Machines by Pierce the Veil. Section 4 The Soviet Union Under Stalin How did Stalin transform the Soviet Union into a totalitarian state? The Soviet leadership were aware that the policy known as the New Economic Policy (NEP) would have to be replaced at some time, as it was a semi-capitalist policy. Increasingly, Stalin appointed his loyalists to the Politburo. The government owned all businesses and distributed all resources. Stalin also gave a speech at the funeral, despite the opposition of Lenin’s window. His first action was to eliminate his opponents one by one. Updated January 28, 2019. After leaving school, Stalin went to a seminary. In 1921, Stalin was appointed to the position of General Secretary. How did Stalin Consolidate His Power in the Soviet Union? Education and censorship were strictly controlled and played an important role in part of Stalin’s key features of control. The Gulag was also a feature part of industrialization, however workers were expected to live less than 2 years in the forced labor camp. How did Stalin rise to power so quickly after Lenin's death and usurp all of his challengers? He rose to this unprecedented level of power due to his capabilities and understanding of the workings of the Communist Party. That's a good question. [6], By 1917, Stalin was in St. Petersburg, which was soon to be renamed Petrograd. Three \"five-year-plans\" that took place between 1928 and 1941 and were designed to expel capitalism from the Soviet Union and create a centralized farming community (called \"collectivization\"). This position gave him great power in the Party. This form of collective farms was called ‘ Kolkhoz’ and it helped the peasants to farm efficiently as well live better, make Russia more modern and promote communist ideas. However, in 1922, after surgery, he had a stroke, and he was never the same. By 1928, Stalin was the undisputed ruler of the Soviet Union. Stalin proposed the `` five year plan '' which aimed at building industry, improving transformation, and many Lenin. 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