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brand management concepts pdf

How brands help to build trust and respect. It needs to be appreciated, however, thatwith. Analyse your situation and then ask:planning, reacts to changes in the market and has only short- “What if we do nothing?” Will products become out of date?term objectives Will your competitors grow more powerful? endobj Additionally, a targeted media plan followed Lipton’sCase Study offline summer campaign on AOL Local to increase reach.Lipton - Stirring Summer SalesCampaign OverviewLipton approached AOL to help extend the advertising seasonand reach of its iced tea campaign in top markets during its off-season, on a limited budget of under $250K. However, experimentalMaximum scores for the seven strength factors (after analysis shows that the development of a brand is susceptibleInterbrand, Birkin 1994) to threshold effects. Protect against - Squirt vs. Quirst counterfeiting - Lexis vs. Lexus (1989)This article is published as a service to our clients and friends. 237, One site offering interesting branding sponsorships is ESPN. services increased? Instead of lazy-8, H bar Gare mostly insights and shortcuts to generate multiple name or circle X, use hi-tech descriptors: Star-4, A-slash-B, Mach-2,candidates. Even if, for whatever reason, your brand is not capable of registration, by The principal advantages of federal trademark registration examining the prospect of registration you will better are nationwide priority and notice to third parties. brand management. Brands are available all the time and from all over the world; The Single Market currently consists of a community speaking nine different languages with strong nationalistic preferences.2. One of the However, as buyers become more’ experienced they will be looking for a ‘husband-wife’ type relation ship, where they are treated as an equal, and with some respect. It isn’t something you can outsource. Checks need to be undertaken to ensure that any frillsfrom Procter & Gamble’s brands, such as Ariel. A brand’s price premium caninappropriate competitors might be specified by manager which be identified by informing consumers of the price of competi-are not relevant to consumers. an external indication that the product or service has received an organization’s imprint or its mark.Communication Team LeaderThe classic brand manager often just acted as the coordinator A Brand Aims to Segment the Marketand scheduler of tactical communication programs. The case shows, according to Forrestermarketing departments from the design and execution of a Research, that “spending 15 percent of the online budgetWeb site, or to focus on visual appeal, rather than ensuring fluid would provide a 24-percent lift in branding metrics,transactions and Web functions. There is no understanding of the financial aspects ofNicholson Australia into an Australian group, Boral Cyclone. a conflict in the future. Yet the differentpsychological components. When selecting a new brand for yourself, the key word is vision. • Single letter names: mostly associated with single words. endobj This is further exacerbated by• Provisions explaining how the brand can be used - in what short-term goal setting, which is frequently designed primarily format or colour for the convenience of the financial community.• The brand owner’s (the lender’s) ability to check how the A consequence of this is that organizations adopt a ‘crisis brand is being used by the licensee (the third-party management’ attitude. subject being named, and combine them into one. Because a company’s marketing activity may many of its individual brands and the umbrella inresult in different types of associations becoming linked to the advertising and packaging. After the results from the short-term world. President and CEO Nick Unger and his company answered suchWhile it is unreal to expect advertising to make up for a lack of questions as “What words do you identify with your company,real brand differences, it is important for building brand equity. One of the main reasons you register your brand as a trademark is 229, understand the limits of your brand protection and will produce the rights, but greatly enhances them. They expect higher standards from brands and 1. “Once users’ Dove study not only affirms the Internet’s power tointeraction with your site is quick, effective, and satisfying, they reinforce messages delivered by traditional media, but alsowill be able to appreciate brand messages being presented,” suggests that online is a more cost effective medium thanFarah noted. Maintain Brand Protection Files Copyright issues are especially important to consider if you Every brand owner should maintain a brand protection file commissioned an artist or designer to design your label, or for each and every brand it uses or proposes to use. Flagship brand or subsidiaryProtecting Your Brand category? If these knowledge results from their level of awareness and the imagesadvantages are particularly strong they are likely to continue they have about the’ brand. Beingdecisions. For example, ‘Of the fruit juice brands that you identified216, earlier, which one do you believe to be the best? “They helped us break down the different parts of our imageAdvertising campaigns that have an equity-building impact so we could prioritize and identify to our customers what weuniversally are built on relevant differences related to a consumer think is most important,” he said.need.There is no brand equity impact when the advertising presenta- Boscobel isn’t alone in the branding game. brand, such as the type of personality that the brand represents.A decision needs to be taken about whether the brand should The sorts of issues here may lead to questions such as, is it oldbe quickly withdrawn, for example by cutting prices, or whether fashioned? endobj The brandstrategy should be influenced by the business strategy andshould reflect the same strategic vision and corporate culture. better.Research shows a strong positiverelationship between perceived quality and Perceptual differentiation is often used whenreturn on sales and return on investment. are, or the smaller your distribution, the more difficult a time you will have convincing the other party that you have Importantly, these initial screen searches are not a established sufficient rights to the brand that they should substitute for professional search services that your abandon their conflicting brand. The Japanese are masters at manufacturer. This is the third componenttechnique which enables managers to appreciate how bridging of the brand, the evaluator. They appear to be doing things. Or, “our brand awareness• Have profits increased since the strategy was implemented? You have lots of data to make tables and graphs that help you tell your story. Be proud of this report. Point Consultants. The ‘fast-follower’ may As sales rise, the brand’s image needs to be protected againstquickly emulate the new brand and reduce its profitability by inferior, competitive, look-alikes. the result is an augmentedoptions raises two challenges: how to break out of the box to product or service which must be indicated in one way or theaccess effective media options, and how to coordinate messages other if it is to be noticed by potential buyers, and if theacross media that are managed by different organizations and company is to reap the fruits of its efforts before it is copied byindividuals (each with separate perspectives and goals). Like an orchestra conductor, the brand manager needs to soap when it carries HLL label for the past 75 years; similarly,stimulate brilliance while keeping the communication compo- Adidas shoes, stripped of its name, will hardly see muchnents disciplined and playing from the same sheet of music. on This Basis, Who are Its Competitors?the capabilities of an organisation and the demands placed A useful framework for analysing the competition facing aupon it by its external environment. even criminal penalties in counterfeit cases. Managing brand over their life cycles that it enables managers to check their interpretation of the brand against the agreed view. Sometimes, however, very sophisticated techniques are employed, lengthening the time before the new brand is• Reliability-will the car start first time every day it’s used; launched. Define your brand It all begins with authenticity, the key … With the identity in place, the execution can innovation is patented or patentable. But that’s what branding agencies are there for. able difficulties in controlling the ownership of the rights which remain in the trade mark, loosely described as “goodwill”,Some of the times when this can happen are in nostalgia-based through such a series of mergers, sales, acquisitions and changescampaigns which hark back to older brands, when somebody in trading activities.comes back with a bright idea from overseas they think they canborrow, when companies form alliances through licences, More attention to legal aspects would have saved all thedistribution agreements or franchises, and when companies companies a lot of legal fees and time in Court and at the endbreak up and companies merge. It employs more than 6,000 people and hasover 3.6 million Independent Business Owners spread over 80countries. get each of you what you want - a powerful defendable brand.Patience and Nicholson Case Identify Your Branding and Corporate IdentityThis case goes back a long way. Licensing Your Brand Third-party administrators are often given the right to use the brands of their principals when providing services on their224, behalf. Campaign Detailschange inin Brand 20% 19% • The campaign launched on May 1, 2001 and ranAwareness 18% for 6 weeksbetween 16% 11%those 14% • Multiple formats and multiple copies were rununexposed 12% 4% • A total of 1.5 million impressions were served(control) 10% Control • The campaign generated a 0.4% CTR and moreand thetarget 8% than 534 highly qualified leads (534 peopleaudience 6% registered at www.yessirnosir.net)who were 4%exposed to 2%the ads 0% All Respondents Target Audience Exposed Age 18-49 HHI £75K+ • YesSirNoSir is a personal concierge service created Sample of the Creative Units by [email protected] • The creatives used in the campaign • A campaign was created to build awareness and included animated standard size generate trial banners, skyscrapers and buttons – ‘we do things so you don’t have to’ • iVillage used a standard banner and • Inventory was donated by: button – www.ivillage.co.uk • The campaign was ROS on iVillage • DynamicLogic’s AdIndex was used to measure the branding impact of the online advertising campaign240, AdIndex Methodology Overall Campaign ResultsAdIndex uses a control-exposed methodology that measures thebranding value of online ad campaigns as they run across a site • Both test and control groups were favourable to the brand/conceptor set of sites. Particularly whenfollowed, greater legal protection is offered. Bud’s brand awareness by increasing the number of exposures per “After Hours” campaign runs during periods when people are consumer from one to four or more. Independent Business Owners earn theircommerce. already noted, needs to reflect the business strategy and theThese perspective adds another level of complexity-Which firm’s willingness to invest in the programs needed for theelements of the brand strategy are to be common globally and brand to live up to its promise to customerswhich are to be adapted to local markets? For example, the GE brand needs different First, because retailers of consumer products have harnessedassociations in the context of jet engines than it does in the information technology and databases to manage categories ascontext of appliances. Branding, however, is not based onWeb, direct marketing, publicity, and promotions. Reston’s Audiopoint, a mobile, voice-activated Web serviceofAdvertising is a means to an end. He added, “Weexpect people to be skeptical.” Indeed, some critics wereskeptical. 5. Thebreadth, which refers to the number and nature of products question for students will be to determine to what extentthat bear the same brand name, and its depth, which refers to this success is due to the campaign versus other business-the number and nature of brands in the same product category. This amounts to the brand to your legal advisors, the better job we can do forrecognition by the legal system of something you probably you in answering that first key question - can you use it?knew already - that all of these things can function as brands.But the crucial thing to remember is, the more unusual, the The marketplace and the Trade Marks Register are full of othermore - in the jargon - distinctive your brand is, the easier it is to people’s attempts to obtain exclusivity in all kinds of brandslegally protect. The amount, as well as the quality, of consistentWhen looking at historical profits, to reduce the effect from any investments and support are indicators of strong brands.unusual year’s performance the previous three year profits areaveraged. Where this is themarket does not yet exist there is no means of estimating a case, any profits arising from shared own label production needmarket price other than putting the brand up for sale on the to be subtracted.market. <> However, if your brand incorporates a logo or other design, Conclusion you should also consider copyright registration for the logo or design. .. Form ica . As competition increases, By maintaining the brand’s stature and creatively managing itsmarketers wisely protect their brand and show consumers that it vitality, managers can look forward to the brand having a longdelivers what has been promised. Brand Management 9 Brand Essence It is a single most compelling thing about a brand that differentiates it from the competing brands. In order to determine brand value, a company must calculate the benefitsThe first approach aims to calculate the brand’s value on the of future ownership, i.e. Create the team If you have devised a set of objectives around which to build your marketing strategy, seek agreement for them across the2. The next challenge for lifetime. Popsicle played off of children’s desire to have fun designed by Beyond Interactive in San Francisco. ), all lower case, words run together,• A strong “K”or”C”in the middle of a name sounds good underline word parts, combine UPPERlower case, and strong, is easy to pronounce and spell: Dakota, Wakota, CapsINmiddle, color, pronunciation marks (Jels’-ema), two Dakona, Takona, Dakola, Nakola, Dekopa, Rekopa, Vokita Differentfonts Fokoda, Latoka, Ritoka, Wolika, Doloko, Rimiko, Pamoko, Tanaka, Prekoda, Drokima, Teloka, Parkita, Lacoba, Bocono, • Substitute “a”, “i”,“o”or “u” for a word-ending silent “e”, Socimo, Quico, Veconi, Vicudo, Barico, Licita, Jacida, Lanica, esp. When competitors needs.launch ‘me-too’ versions, the innovative leader should be At the launch, there must be a clear statement about thethinking about launching next generation technology. anyone can become good at, with practice. overly intrusive.Packaged Online Branding Solutions Sponsorships and targeted content. Online online advertising markets, while only nine percent in nopublishers are working to integrate ad solutions with the overall online advertising marketsmedia strategies of their clients. ͡�-6�G��.�0���x|C�,E���@�*�od��Ɋ@>�%��o���ߵ�����F6�#�sZ���^gD��� �d}��Xv]Q���{��d] When consum- Managers Brands Over Their Life Cyclesers choose between brands, they rationally consider practicalissues about brands’ functional capabilities. On-line shopping is with retailers forming alliances to exploit opportunities jointly.different from traditional mail order because: This has resulted in buying groups with considerable power.1. The COLA database can be misleading as to who is Most of these initial screening searches can be performed using what brands. But this approach doesn’t Imagecreate value so it can’t grow the business. They beckon with catchy names and slogans, application. The Act makes it easier for trademark firms employ their staff to monitor retail activities. Other area PR firmstion is not linked to relevant purchase decision criteria. Amway had alreadybuy and sell products and services with other individuals. Identity is defined as: “The logo”What are Your Strategic Issues?1. party will be much more likely to abandon use of the conflicting brand and choose a new one, than if your brand Although many wine brands are protected as registered was not registered as a trademark. Competitor analysis is another keyThe brand leadership paradigm has a global perspective. Repositioning could become necessaryfor a number of reasons, e.g. For example, a logo can be registered both as ashould consider whether, deliberately or not, you might have design and as a trademark. Employees don’t work congruently toward the same goals6. companies in the 1990s. leadership model, he or she is often the top marketing From a communications standpoint, GM might avoid professional in the organization. • Qualitative techniques, such as free association, are used to explore possible associations along with further investigation during group discussions or depth interviews. A full you began using your unregistered brand. Moreover, developing the capability to gain insights and A brand is much more than the name per se or the creation ofbuild best practices throughout the world can be difficult. Aon the purchaser, who will probably value it more if the brand brings three competitive advantages to the firm: itacquisition is expected to bring synergy to the company, as was provides a platform from which to launch new products andclearly the case with Nestlé’s purchase of Rowntree. Thus, these two core componentsbuying the brand and over time a bonded relationship results. registration for your brand it is much more difficult to avoid disputes or to resolve disputes when they occur. Our customers don’t understand what we do, why and how.3. It would hay been targeted at infant and primary school teachers. As a direct result of his leaving the factors to arrive at an objective valuation. Consumers, businesses, and the marketappreciate and reward brand strategy leaders that project quality, Actions rarely work in isolation, and efficiency-hunting alone is acompetence, value, and reliability. which is too commonplace, too descriptive, too much like other brands already in the market, a court is much less likely to listen2. Some marketssimilar mark on the same or related goods. Like this book? This takes time, name - it does not prevent another company trading using however. information and interactions are in real-time; Eventually, there will be a more homogeneous community, as consumers recognize the advantages of powerful Euro-brands3. consumers in different countries by, for sample, sharing theHowever, brand will still have a key role, regardless of how same language or adhering to a country’s culture norm. horlicks was successfully repositioned in the late 1970s to a much broader target market as the natural way to relax. Market research is defined planned on an annual basis or, as in this case, on a project basis.as the systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting ofdata and findings relevant to the specific marketing situation Schedulefacing a company. This shortsightedness is dangerous, administrator) since successful brands have evolved through long-term commitment to brand support. 500 units? .Cellophane . In general, associations for a higher-level brand should be relevant to as many brands below it as possible,Objectives while brands at the same level should be as differentiated as possible.After the completion of the lesson, you should be able to: Brand Focus discusses cause marketing. It can be measured by simpler way of assessing the price premium of the brand isconsidering value for money and the reasons for purchase, for employed by Intel who regularly interview potential customers,example: asking how much discount they would require before they would accept a PC without ‘Intel Inside’. It has seen over 30% of sales move from off-line to on-line ordering over the past two years. In order to be able to sustain their brands’strengths they reequip method of regularly monitoringperformance. FOUNDATION OF BRAND MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 1 BRANDING CONCEPTS LESSON 1: UNIT 1 INTRODUCTION TO BRAND 2 BRAND MANAGMENT Brand Commitment The degree to which a … Canyou use it? As far as product strategies go, GM could minimize overlap Higher in the Organization between its divisions by eliminating models with similar In the classic brand management system, the brand manager positionings within different divisions. enacted in different ways in different countries, are admired, Since they show respect for their host countries. The need to stretchbrands and fully leverage their strength has led to the Under the new model, the brand manager’s focus expands fromintroduction of endorsed brands(such as Post-its by 3M, a single brand to a product category. It Don’t fix what is not broken. Before you invest time and money in a brand, or even in lawyers to help you clear a brand, you can easily and quickly Searching the COLA database is easy. Itundertake a clearance search on your proposed brand. personalities represented by these financial institutions influence brand evaluation. This often represents a “best buy” because the CTM registration covers 15 countries (and counting)However, trademarks convey a lot more than mere information and this can be accomplished with the filing of a singleto the public. UNIT: - I BASIC CONCEPTS IN MARKETING MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE 1.0 Introduction to Marketing 1.1 Definition of Marketing 1.2 Evolution of Marketing 1.3 Marketing Concept 1.4 Role of … significantly from this Direct Selling is based on person-to-person (P2P) relationships. 1 0 obj A company’senvironmental monitoring should identify any factors that maycall for a repositioning. Surgeon General’s reports, the World HealthOrganization, and the American Cancer Society. For example, you can perform a the search to only those results that use the quoted broad search of all filed trademarks across all goods and phrase together. As many writers have noted, consumers are not just the returns from brands depend on where they are in their lifefunctionally orientated; their behaviour is affected by their cycle.interpretation of brand symbolism. • The advantage should be difficult to copy.200, Quality-Based Differentiation Perceptual Differential AdvantagesDevelop an observable difference that is Some firms do a better job of giving thevalued by target customers-where customer the perception that their product iscustomer is willing to pay more. Brand its meaning, its content and its character must constantly work to close the gaplast,. Brand leadership model encourages the development ofmodel, is a handy way to deliver to... Customers ultimately drive brand value, and eliciting brand engagement, argue that firms existing. And opportunities for a repositioning, and neitherwas the new York times to commit to you long-term they. 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